
Showing posts from April, 2019

Your Curriculum Vitae

1.1 Your C.V. is your Brochure For that’s exactly what it is. It’s a document that must sell you at a glance as will any good brochure for any product. Examine any brochure for example, a hotel brochure and what will you see is a nice picture of the restaurant, a buffet table with the obligatory cooked lobster in the foreground, a beautiful bedroom with a view of the mountains out the window, the golf course, the gym, etc. Examine the text and you will find there is surprisingly little and what they do say, they say well. This brochure will sell at a glance. What the hotel brochure will not show is a picture of the swill bins or the linen cupboard. Why? Very simply because you’re not in the slightest bit interested where they keep the bins, you just want that nice big lobster on the buffet table. Your C.V. is no different. While there are no pictures on your C.V. it still must sell you at a glance just like the hotel brochure. Using the hotel brochure as an example, ask yourself wha


POWE R O F VISUALIZ A TION “ “D r eaming is not   enough. Y ou have   to go   a step further and use   your imagination to visualize,   with intent!   Fo r get everything you’ve   ever   been taught, and believe it will happen, just as you imagined it. That is the   sec r et. That is the   mystery   of life." - Cristine Anderson V isualizatio n kn o w n  a s on e for m o f menta l   r ehearsa l ha s bee n popula r   sinc e th e S o viets sta r te d usin g i t bac k i n th e 1970 s t o compet e i n spo r ts . M an y athlete s empl o y thi s technique, includin g T ige r W oods , A da m M ałysz , M ohamme d Ali , o r E mil y Coo k wh o ha s bee n using i t   sinc e he r  tee n   y ears . S easone d athlete s us e vivid , highl y detaile d interna l   image s and r un-th r ough s   o f th e enti r e pe r formance , engagin g al l thei r sense s i n thei r visualization , and the y combin


Linked I n i s a socia l medi a giant , havin g o v e r 22 5 millio n user s worldwid e (a s a t J un e 2013). I t i s use d by p r ofessional s to: •    P os t thei r C urriculu m   V ita e (C V ) , als o kn o w n a s a r ésumé , o n line. •    D e v elo p a netwo rk o f connections. •    D emonstrat e   thei r expe r tis e th r oug h   statu s update s an d g r ou p discussions. •    R esea r c h companie s an d educationa l establishments. •    K ee p u p t o dat e wit h th e lates t de v elopment s i n thei r field , th r oug h g r ou p discussions an d though t   leaders. •    F ind , an d i n som e cases , appl y fo r jobs. Lik e al l compute r applications , usin g Linked I n i s pa r t a r t an d pa r t science . Th e scienc e bit i s bein g abl e t o navigat e a r oun d th e applicatio n an d complet e field s o f information . Th e a r t lie s i n unders