
Showing posts from January, 2019

SAP FICO (SAP Finance and SAP Controlling)

In this post I'll try to explain what the definition of SAP FI (Finance) and SAP CO (Controlling) Companies that implement SAP SAP FICO is a core functional component in SAP ERP Central Component that allows an organization to manage all of its financial data. The purpose of SAP FICO is to help companies generate and manage financial statements for analysis and reporting and help with effective business planning and decision-making. SAP FICO consists of two modules, SAP Finance (FI) and SAP Controlling (CO), each of which is used for specific financial processes. SAP FI deals with overall financial reporting and accounting while SAP CO focuses more narrowly on planning and monitoring costs. SAP FI and SAP CO were originally released as separate modules but are now so tightly integrated that many people refer to them as simply one module. SAP FI modules SAP FI enables companies to generate financial statements -- such as balance sheets or profit and loss statements

What is the associate level certification in SAP to become a SAP consultant?

To help you make the most advantage from  SAP certification  opportunities, SAP offers multi-tiered certification tracks for particular subjects. SAP Associate certification  covers the basic knowledge requirements for an SAP consultant, assuring the successful acquirement of broad SAP solution knowledge and skills. With associate-level certification, you can: Achieve an externally-recognized mark of perfection that clients seek Distinguish yourself in a packed marketplace Accomplish your tasks with determination and experience Associate level  SAP certification  is a more fundamental understanding of a particular module. It is geared towards obtaining the basic knowledge to be acknowledged as an SAP Consultant in one selective domain, i.e., SD, FI or CO. Although you will favorably get broad SAP solution knowledge, as it is only distinct to individual modules. SAP Associate Level Certifications to become SAP Consultant: SAP Financial Accounting Certification SAP M

SAP CO "Outlining the Components of Management Accounting"

The f oll o wing i s a c om p a r i s o n be t w een Mana g ement A cc o un ti n g and F i n a n c i a l A cc o un ti n g : ●         Mana g ement A cc ounting The S AP ERP Mana g ement A cc ounting mana g ement function c on t ains all a cc o un t i n g functions ne c ess ary f or e ff ecti v e c o n t r o lli n g . If a c om p a n y divid e s i t s a cc ounting in t o in t ernal and e x t ernal a cc o un t i n g , Mana g ement A cc ounting is in t ernal a cc ounting b e c au s e it p r o vid e s the r e sponsibili t y f or managing and c ont r olling the c om p a n y ’ s ope r ations with ne c ess ary i n f o r m a t i o n . C O p r o vid e s all c ont r olling options and is not r es tric t ed b y le g al r e q u i r eme n t s . ●         Financial A cc o un t i ng In Financial A cc ounting, c om p ani e s need t o c r e a t e financial s t a t emen t s , such as b alan c e shee t s and  

Useful Transaction Codes, Tables, and Programs

I  w i l l   p r es e n t   t h e c o n fi g u r a t i o n   t r a n s a c t i o n co d e s  r e l e v a n t   t o   t h e  real implementation scenarios .   I ’ l l   a ls o   l i st   t r a n s a c t i o n co d e s   no t c ov e r e d   a s   w e l l   a s  u s e fu l   p r o g r a m s   a n d   t a b l es .   Th e   t a b l e s   a r e   a r r a n g e d   v ia   su b j e c t c o n te n t   t h a t ,   i n  mo st  ca se s , c o r r e s p o n d s   t o Financial accountiong. I wan  to help my fellow and especially newcomers and want to know more about SAP. Almost all consultant should at least memorizing any transactions code because it will really help them in their works.  T A B L E A . 1            Ge n e ral and C r oss - M o dule C o nfigur a tion T ran s a c t ion C o des T r an s a c tio n C o de Des c ription S E 1 0 C u s t omizin g O rganizer SP R O Ent e r th e I M G S M 30